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Sophia's fabulous bookshelf

Sophia's fabulous bookshelf

Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel „Das Leben ist enttäuschend, aber ich will trotzdem, dass du glücklich bist!“ August Brill lebt mit seiner Tochter und seiner Enkelin zusammen in einem Haus voller Schwermut und in dem Schlaf sehr kostbar zu sein scheint. August...


Getting packed

Getting packed

This is a picture of my suitcase I packed the day before. Today I have arrived in Glasgow and miss Nuremberg and the people more than I ever thought I would.


Aliu Gonzalez Rivero

Aliu Gonzalez Rivero

The Cuban artist Aliu Gonzalez Rivero makes flowerpots and other pottery in the shape of old Cuban houses and AEG coffee machines. His work is a must for any fan of the romantic "antique" flair of Cuba. He currently owns a pottery-studio called "El Fanguito"...


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